The Tampa International Airport (TPA) is welcoming input from citizens regarding their 2022 Master Plan Update. Some of the main topics of discussion will include a 20-year passenger forecast, assessment of new programs, and future planning for expansion of the airport.
The first of three meetings will be held on Monday, April 25 at 6 p.m. in the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority’s (HCAA) Boardroom at the Airport’s Main Terminal near Airside A.
The meeting is open to the public and will include presentations from TPA CEO Joe Lopano. There will also be a presentation with the airport consultant that is leading the MPU process, Ricondo and Associates. The meeting will go over several objectives impacting the local Tampa community and businesses.
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The Master Plan Update takes place every four years to re-evaluate the TPA’s operational efficiency, customer needs, and to study emerging industry trends that may impact the growth of the airport. The meetings are prescribed and overseen by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT).
TPA CEO Joe Lopano states, “The MPU is critical to shaping the vision for Tampa International Airport for years to come. The decisions we make now will be felt by millions of travelers so it is vital that we get this plan right. We inherited one of the best airport facilities in the world and want to make sure we continue to strengthen our legacy of innovation and excellence.”
Primary goals of the 2022 MPU include:
- Formulation of a new 20-year forecast for airport and industry trends
- Assess the capacity of the runway and determine if expansions are necessary
- Determine the current terminal processing capacity and gate needs
- Analyzing the further need for parking capacity, curbside, and roadway improvements
Two more dates after the first meeting will be announced later in the year.