
Aging Gracefully: Tips for Healthy Seniors

Enjoying the beach. Courtesy Jame Hose Jr. via Unsplash.

Aging gracefully is the ultimate weapon. You look better, you feel better, and you shine bright all around you. However, getting older doesn’t need to imply a decreased quality of life or a slew of medical conditions. Instead, a few key steps from Modern Globe can unlock the benefits of healthy seniors and how to boost your overall quality of life.

Cultivate Close Relationships

The science is in: according to the Mental Health Foundation, good relationships are good for you (surprise surprise)! Furthermore, the American Psychological Association reports that social connection helps ward off depression, anxiety, and alienation symptoms. Nurturing bonds with your friends and family can increase longevity, decrease the risks of cancer, and even reduce the chances of heart disease. Why? Well, the body and mind have a synchronous relationship. So the more satisfied your brain, the better ramifications for your physical health.

Visit your local community center to make new bonds or keep up with old ones through Zoom calls, visits, and perhaps even good old-fashioned letter writing. You can also reach out through volunteer work or help someone in need or look up some old high school friends online. There are online directories that allow you to search based on which high school you attended so that you can easily reconnect. No matter how you do it, just prioritize connection!

Health seniors stay engaged

According to the CDC, it is common for older adults to experience forgetfulness and difficulty with information processing and multitasking. If you find yourself confused and forgetful more often than not, it’s probably a sign that you need to be engaging your mind more.

Related: Seniors in Service Help Out Local Elementary School

A fun way to keep your mind sharp is to doodle, paint, or draw. These simple manual tasks encourage creativity and left-brain activation. Playing games like bridge and Sudoku are also excellent for exercising those mental muscles and building mathematical skills and memory.

Find Simple Ways to Keep Moving

Maintaining mobility and range of motion becomes especially critical as we age. Be sure to do your stretches diligently, as you’ll keep your body limber and muscle groups and tendons engaged. It is also essential to get your thirty minutes of exercise in — and don’t be fussy about how you move.

Even something as simple as carrying grocery bags, gardening, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator offers great muscular and cardiovascular benefits. Whether it’s an online dance workout, your favorite aerobics class, or a walk down the street, any exercise is good exercise.

Optimize Your Home for Healthy Living

A messy home can lead to a messy mind. To improve your overall quality of life, you need to ensure your home environment is as sorted as your mental and physical health. According to MyLifeSite, many healthy seniors choose to downsize their homes for more effortless living. Why not go the extra mile and ensure your space is always tidy and organized?

In addition, small touches like warm lighting, green leafy plants, and tons of artwork are signs of a life well-lived. Stock your fridge with food from the healthy side of the grocery store, and be sure to drink filtered water. You could also convert that empty guest room or basement into a space for solitude and meditation. Ultimately, you want to create a home that encourages a healthy lifestyle and works overtime to make you feel better in your space.

Make Sure You Have Good Health Insurance

Having good insurance is almost essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Health insurance can help with everything from covering the cost of doctor’s visits to helping you pay bills if you end up in the hospital. So, if you haven’t taken a look at your insurance policy in a few years, now’s the time to do so.

Use this opportunity to look into your long term care coverage. Many people need long term care as they age and are shocked to discover that they don’t have as much coverage as they thought. Look into the facilities in your area to find out what is available and inquire about costs and coverage. Also, be sure to research in order to avoid facilities with a poor reputation.

Enjoy Your Golden Years

Your golden years can be some of the most rewarding decades of your life. You have tons of experience to learn from and confidence that has stood the test of time. Ensure your years are as rewarding as possible by optimizing your home for a healthy lifestyle, finding ways to move throughout the day, and maintaining close relationships. Graceful aging, here we come!

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