Palm Harbor’s premier music education studio and entertainment space is slowly adding back live classes, and owner Maryann “Mar” Harman is excited to welcome returning students.
The Music With Mar studio is also continuing to host Zoom training for teachers and other adults around the world, so that they can share her music, which is based on brain research and how music can be used in brain development, whether it is for science, math or social studies.
Harman’s newest addition is a Patreon Page, a play on art and music patrons from the 1200s and 1400s where people can donate to support her program. The Patreon Page recently launched and allows music patrons to contribute $3, $5 or $7 to support specific songs she has written based on brain research from premier universities around the country.
“It includes videos of my songs, but I am also putting the behind-the-scenes stuff out there, like what was the brain research I used when I wrote a particular song and determined the movements that go with it,” she said.
There are several aspects to Music with Mar, with the first being an interactive class for adults and children that helps in the development of all areas, Harman explained. “It uses music to teach. We are not a program that teaches music; we use music to teach, based on brain research.”
She also incorporates music’s connection to learning and physical and mental well-being.
“I am also an educational consultant that teaches adults how to use this information when working with children.”