Governor Ron DeSantis has activated the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program. This makes $20 million available to businesses affected by Hurricane Idalia. Florida small business owners in need of assistance are encouraged to visit here to apply for the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program. Hillsborough County businesses, including sole proprietors, are eligible to apply.
Learn more small business emergency loans
Administered by FloridaCommerce, the program provides short-term, zero-interest loans to small businesses that experienced economic injury or physical damage due to natural disasters. Interested applicants can apply through Oct. 25, 2023 or until all available funds are expended.
Eligible small businesses may apply for loans of up to $50,000 through the program. Loans approved through the Emergency Bridge Loan Program are intended to “bridge the gap” between the time a disaster impacts a business and when a business has secured longer term recovery funding.
Related: Strategies on How to Get Federal Disaster Money
Loans made under this program are short-term, zero-interest, personal loans using State of Florida funds. They are not grants, and loans must be repaid by the approved applicant.
What is FloridaCommerce?
FloridaCommerce administers the Emergency Bridge Loan Program alongside its fiscal administrator, Florida First Capital Finance Corporation.
FloridaCommerce works across the state to support Florida’s economy, workforce and local communities. The organization is focusing efforts to help Floridians rebuild their homes and lives after the devastating impacts of Hurricanes Irma and Michael.