Hillsborough County Water Resources and the City of Tampa Water Department invite all K-12 students to take part in the 2023 Drop Savers Water Conservation Poster Contest. Students are encouraged to unleash their creativity and environmental stewardship by creating a poster depicting an original water conservation idea, in slogan form, drawing form, or both.
Interested parents and students should contact their school’s teacher for information on entering the contest. All students must submit no later than March 1. Although deadlines may vary by school.
Rules for Hillsborough Poster Contest
Posters submissions are judged under the following categories:
- Division 1 (Kindergarten and Grade 1)
- Division 2 (Grades 2 and 3)
- Division 3 (Grades 4 and 5)
- Division 4 (Grades 6, 7, and 8)
- Division 5 (Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12)
School-level winners, one for each division, advance to compete countywide. A panel of water conservation specialists from Hillsborough County Water Resources and the City of Tampa Water Department will judge all the winning school-level posters for the message, creativity, originality, and artistic ability, and will choose county-level winners for each division.
County-level first-place winners in each division will receive:
- A bottle-filling station installation at their school (only available to public schools)
- Customized reusable water bottles imprinted with their artwork to share with classmates
- Posters of their artwork to take home and for display in the classroom
- A water conservation retrofit kit (low-flow aerators and showerhead, toilet leak detection dye tablets, hose nozzle, and more)
- Inclusion of their artwork on water conservation awareness posters displayed above bottle-filling stations throughout Hillsborough County
- Inclusion of their artwork on promotional materials for future contests
- Advancement to the Statewide-Level Florida Section of the American Water Works Association Drop Savers Poster Contest to compete for additional prizes
Information on contest guidelines, prizes, and previous winners are available on the Drop Savers Poster Contest page at HCFLGov.net/WaterConservation.